Huolellinen kissanhoitaja ja kissanomistaja Hervannassa
Tietoa hoitajasta Vy
Moi! Olen Vy, olen kotoisin Vietnamista ja puhun vain vähän suomea. Asun Hervannan alueella ja mulla on kaksi kissaa - Coal ja Clay.
I have been living in Finland for 7 years and have fostered cats for Pirkanmaa's animal welfare organization. I'm currently living in the Hervanta area with my boyfriend and my two kitties. I am also working and studying but I always want to spend more time with cats and help cat owners when they are busy or away. I am willing to take care of cats of all ages and sizes, all cats are amazing.
I am an animal lover but have more experience with cats. I have experience with shy cats, my cats were feral when first adopted and had health issues but now they are happy and loving as ever.
I am flexible and understand that each cat as well as each household is different, therefore it is important to know about the cat's personalities, habits, and preferences. I'm willing to learn and take care of the kitties the way their human would want to. Each visit would include giving food, changing the water, scooping litter boxes, and/or other tasks as discussed with the owners. I respect the pet's personal space and would only approach if the owner or the cats agree as some pet is really shy and cautious.
I don't have much experience with dogs but I love dogs and if needed, I can also walk your dogs as I love walking and love dogs. :D
Please feel free to reach out to me as I am here to help!